question for your consulting: have you offered before a "one off" option? I wonder if that can be a good way to increase testimonials. Like offer a free intro call (i've seen Wystan do this https://x.com/WystanTBS). i wonder if that's how Vassalllo got his start too, doing smaller things before getting enough clients and doing the lifetime thing!

best of luck!!

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I've definitely done a lot of calls with folks. I've just always done them for free. I didn't want the need for payment to stop me from helping people, so I just never worried about it. But maybe I do need to have an option to get a call for free, for people who don't know me as well yet.

That's one of the hard things for me. I've been extremely prolific, but don't have a huge audience. So I never know how well people in my audience actually know me.

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> But what if all it takes is time? Can I tell the difference between needing time and needing a change of environment?

this is such an important question, I think about that a lot. step 1 is recognizing that a lot is out of our control. step 2 is...figuring out when that is the case!!

> I was trying to sell myself on the price I was charging.

brilliant insight!! this is a pattern i think that happens to us a lot

> “Sell what they are looking for. Deliver what they need.”

this, and your explanation of it, totally blew my mind!!

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RE: selling what they are looking for - If that's something you struggle with too, highly recommend https://finereli.substack.com/. He's the coach who helped me see it that way.

And yeah, I've been struggling with which I've been dealing with. Am I wrong with my view of the world, or has the world not caught up to my views? Information relativity makes things hard to judge, but I will say, I've found a lot of others who share my vision of the future, so I believe it's only a matter of time.

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